Century International: “The United States Should Stop Cosponsoring Israel’s War on Lebanon”

My latest commentary for Century International, on my extreme dismay 😐 at the Biden administration's support for Israel's war on Lebanon:


The Biden administration has withdrawn its previous calls for a ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon's Hizbullah; now it unequivocally supports Israel's "limited" military operations to "degrade" Hizbullah. Perhaps unsurprisingly, though, Israel's war does not feel particularly "limited" for Lebanese currently being terrorized by Israeli airstrikes, and facing an Israeli invasion whose geographic ambitions and duration remain unclear. To add insult to injury, the Biden administration is now also trying to exploit Israeli military pressure to strong-arm Lebanese political leaders and force political change in Lebanon. It's a policy that is irresponsible and offensive, and that belies America's regular claims to be a friend to Lebanon. Because right now, the United States is now a full, open partner in Israel's war on the country.


Century International: “Syria’s Civil War Has Roared Back. How Far Can the Rebels Go?”


TIME: “Where Hezbollah Goes From Here”