The Daily Beast: “Biden’s Syria Airstrikes May Feel Like Trump Déjà Vu. Here’s What’s Different.”

I wrote a quick piece for The Daily Beast on how to read the Biden Administration's airstrikes on Iran-linked paramilitaries in Syria this week:

Thursday evening's U.S. airstrikes on Iraqi paramilitaries on the Syrian-Iraqi border were a response to persistent attacks on U.S. and partner forces in Iraq. Yet the strikes – in both their execution and messaging – also seem to have been a conscious attempt by the new Biden Administration to distinguish itself from Trump's wild, dangerous approach to Iraq and Iran, which nearly led to regional war. Even as the Biden team tries to adopt a more deliberate, calibrated approach, though, it's not clear that will be enough to deal with the mess Trump left for the U.S. in Iraq.


The Century Foundation: “Syrians Are Going Hungry. Will the West Act?”


War on the Rocks: “Redefining Victory in America’s War Against the Islamic State in Syria”