War on the Rocks: "America in Search of an Un-Geneva for Syria"

For War on the Rocks, I’ve written a companion piece to my recent Century Foundation commentary on America’s re-investment in Syria’s Geneva talks. In this latest, I try to answer: If Geneva won’t secure U.S. interests in Syria, what will?

“America in Search of an Un-Geneva for Syria”

I argue America shouldn’t count on Geneva, or on any national-level processes – negotiations over the whole of Syria or control of Syria’s center in Damascus – that have been thoroughly colonized by Russia.

Instead, the United States should invest in subnational processes focusing on Syria’s southwest and northeast. It’s at this level where America has more useful influence relative to Russia, and where there might be a genuine intersection of U.S. and Russian interests.


Sina'at al-Fikr: "The mujahideen at this stage shouldn’t defend according to the principle, 'Until the last man, and the last bullet.'"


Perspectives on Terrorism: "The Strategic Logic of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham"